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People and society

Our commitment to people and society is total. We believe in equal opportunities, in the diversity of our people and in the integration of everyone who forms part of the Group. We are proud to be able to employ people of different origins, races, ideologies, nationalities, religions and abilities.

And that’s not all, at CELSA Group™, we promote work-life balance policies and fully respect the personal and family life of all employees.

“We believe in equal opportunities, in the diversity of our people and in the integration of everyone who forms part of the Group”

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Commitment to the community

As part of our commitment to the community, we are firmly committed to training projects that result in the personal and professional development not only of the people who make up our organisation, but also of the students who aspire to be part of it in the future.

These initiatives have led to the creation of chairs such as “Competitiveness in Manufacturing” at the IESE Business School and collaboration agreements with various entities.

We act with full respect for the local cultures of the countries and communities where we operate, contributing to their development in order to achieve a sustainable activity that is beneficial to society.

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Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

CELSA Group™ has a Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct that governs the behavioural guidelines of each Group employee. Compliance with the Code is the responsibility of each individual, whose conduct must respect the laws, values, principles and standards of the Code, as well as other current or future provisions. Furthermore, the Code requires employees to see that CELSA Group™ subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as its suppliers and stakeholders, are governed by patterns of conduct and values similar to those established in the Code.

Download the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
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Get to know CELSA Group™ by visiting their website